Three Three
How does 5 equal Three Three?
I don’t know how my parents knew to get me logic puzzle books as a kid, or if I was just drawn to them. What I do know is they changed the way I think. Or maybe, they fit the way I think. I liked the challenge of looking beyond the surface of what appeared to be true, to find a deeper, perhaps hidden truth. The Answer. When I reflect on my childhood now, I can see the influence of these games on Aesthetics of the Archives. There is one story on the surface and a whole other story underneath. The book is much more than the cover.
One of the reasons I didn’t jump to move this exhibition online in the midst of COVID-19 is because there is a logic to the exhibition itself. It is not just a grouping of art hung on a wall to be admired. Everything in the physical space is part of the story – from the layout of the room to the scale of the art. There is something to be felt from actually being there, being present, being in the gallery. I invite you to experience Aesthetics of the Archives until August 23 at the Art Gallery of Burlington. Come see, hear, feel what this exhibition is all about.
And, as for the answer to my first question…?
Well, 2 + 3 could also be read as two, threes.
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